Science Narratives showcases the stories behind cutting-edge research

The free learning experience offers a new venue for lifelong learning.

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conference attendees

UW Writers’ Institute is entertaining, enlightening, inspiring

Sign up for this year’s conference, which takes place on April 15-17 at the Madison Concourse Hotel.

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sad girl talking to therapist

Helping sexual abuse survivors requires cultural sensitivity

Therapists learned to take clients’ identity into account at the Conference on Child Sexual Abuse.

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advisor working with clients

Madison Path to Citizenship offers help with naturalization

The program seeks to create needed infrastructure in Dane County.

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Get started on managing life’s challenges

Conflict-resolution skills aren’t innate. They’re largely learned.

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Grief Support Specialist Certificate Program covers all varieties of loss

The program has helped participants find jobs that involve grief counseling, or to add skills that help them in their current jobs.

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Back to school for the public good

The Certified Public Manager program helps government employees to better serve Wisconsin.

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Best-selling mystery author Hank Phillippi Ryan reveals secrets to success at UW Writers’ Institute

Ryan: ‘Let go of your inner editor, and let go of your fear that you are bad.’

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Richard Culatta previews higher education’s future at the 2016 Distance Teaching & Learning Conference

Culatta is the former director of the Office of Educational Technology for the U.S. Department of Education.

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woman blowing on dandelion

UW-Madison courses reduce stress, increase happiness

Instructor Elizabeth Lewis shows how happiness-enhancing activities can change the default settings in your brain.

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Modern Dance Technique welcomes students at all levels

The 12-week course explores concepts of space, time, and energy.

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