Lecture provides glimpse of art and life of noted scholar

Artist and art historian Freida High W.Tesfagiorgis will present “Reflections of My Art and Life” on March 30 at 2 p.m. as part of UW-Madison’s Eloquence and Eminence lecture series. This series, which features Sunday afternoon lectures …

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7 reasons why all authors (novice or established) should attend a writers’ conference

by Laurie Scheer, director of UW-Madison’s Writers’ Institute and author of The Writer’s Advantage (Michael Wiese Productions, 2014). The Writers’ Institute, offered by UW-Madison Continuing Studies, celebrates its 25th anniversary April 4-6. The featured keynote …

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April: A Weekend of Discovery in Spring Green

When warm weather finally fills Dane County with the dazzling sight of pink blossoms and sweet smells of fresh growth, what better place to spend a weekend but in the friendly community of Spring Green, …

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Servant Leadership: like being an ‘Undercover Boss’

Contemporary leadership in modern society is often associated with power trips and tough-sounding phrases such as: dog-eat-dog, put-up-or-shut-up, and my-way-or-the-highway. But some leaders believe in using a different approach. In 1970, a longtime AT&T executive, …

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New classes you shouldn’t miss!

[simple_slideshow] Don’t be tied to your couch and television this winter. Instead, put on your gloves and open your door to enlightening ideas and new personal pursuits. Click on the slide show to get inspired. …

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International students get a taste of holiday traditions

More than 50 students from around the globe who attend classes at UW-Madison gathered last week to learn about the American tradition of decorating cookies—all part of the Visiting International Student Program (VISP) offered through the …

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Life as an adult student at UW-Madison

A single mother of two boys, Janet Moore was inspired to earn a bachelor’s degree after working in an environmental education program in the McFarland school district.  She was the recipient of one of the …

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Prof. Emily Auerbach honored with MOSES award;she’s nominated by an Odyssey student

Continuing Studies Prof. Emily Auerbach recently received an award for her leadership and commitment to improving the lives of many in Madison from the Madison Organizing in Strength, Equality and Solidarity group (MOSES). It was the first …

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Ready to write a novel this weekend? online? with others?

Join the ‘Makerthon’ digital novel-writing extravaganza! Ever wanted to try your hand at digital writing? Do you have a hankering to collaborate wildly, madly, crazily on what we’re calling a “virtual flash mob?” Looking to …

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What’s behind the blank stare of a teen-age boy?

  American parents have heard the statistics: More girls attend college than boys; by 2015 only 40% of college graduates will be male.* Most high school class presidents are girls. More girls choose high school …

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Remember, your online actions are ‘public and permanent’

The Internet and cell phones are convenient, and usually offer fun diversions. But there’s a dark side to this new technology. Recently Americans have been astounded as they hear how teens interact with these new …

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Meet Bucky at the State Fair: learn a language or ‘jump around’

  Even if you can’t tell a Holstein from a Guernsey, there’s something for you to at the Wisconsin State Fair. This year’s activities include competitions for crowing roosters, vibrant gladiolus, handmade quilts and unusual food …

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