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Course Outline
Course outline
Below are the main themes and outcomes for each unit. Each unit also contains teaching videos, 10-15 listening activities, an extended reading activity, practical exercises and cultural information related to the unit theme.
Unidad 1: ¡A conocernos!
- Review conversations for getting to know people
- Common Spanish commands
- Irregular gerunds
- Using llevar to express duration
- Review common irregular verbs in the present tense
- Reading: La costumbre de la siesta
Unidad 2: ¡A aprender!
- Vocabulary: parts of speech
- Discussing study habits and learning strategies
- Going deeper with gustar and similar verbs
- Regular verbs in simple past tense (el pretérito)
- Giving opinions: opinar, creer, pensar, deber
- Reading: Ricardo Arjona: una vida imposible de definir
Unidad 3: ¡A trabajar!
- Vocabulary: workplace
- Discussing where you like to work and what tools you need to work well
- Direct object pronouns
- Common expressions that use direct object pronouns
- Irregular verbs in the preterite
- Reading: La historia de una inmigrante
Unidad 4: ¡A viajar!
- Vocabulary: travel and housing
- Discussing travel preferences
- Understanding directions
- Describing past trips with the preterite
- Polite expressions for asking for information
- Contrast llevar and traer
- Contrast ir and venir
- Reading: Voy de viaje (una carta)
Unidad 5: ¡A repasar!
- Prepositions of place
- Impersonal se
- Personal a
- Review Unidades 1-4
Unidad 6: ¡A relajarnos!
- Vocabulary: free time
- Discussing ways to relax
- Going deeper with reflexive verbs
- Discussing changes in emotions
- Contrasting demonstratives: este, ese, aquel
- Reading: El poder de la música de Gustavo Dudamel
Unidad 7: ¡A charlar!
- Vocabulary: chatting and informal conversations
- Discussing different ways to communicate
- Indirect object pronouns
- Forming adverbs with –mente
- Giving opinions: (no) estar de acuerdo
- Reading: La cena es para disfrutarla
Unidad 8: ¡A tapear!
- Vocabulary: food and ordering in restaurants
- Discussing common Spanish tapas
- Present perfect tense
- Regular and irregular participles
- Contrasting indefinites: algo, alguno, alguien
- Reading: La paella: un plato que provoca mucho debate
Unidad 9: ¡A comprar en el barrio!
- Vocabulary: small shops and local businesses
- Discuss shopping and operating hours
- Using hace…que to discuss how long something has been going on
- Using hace to discuss how long ago something happened
- Time structures with desde
- Reading: Jubilarse en Cuenca, Ecuador
Unidad 10: ¡A terminar!
- Discussing moments in the future
- Review Unidades 6-10
Earn Continuing Education Hours
By participating in this class you will earn:
Instructional Hours | 35 |
University of Wisconsin Continuing Education Units | 3.5 |