Mentoring to Foster Inclusivity, Connection, and Engagement at Work
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New Course! Through intentional and strategic mentoring and sponsorship, organizations can be transformed towards greater belonging and employee engagement. This course is designed to empower mentors — and potential mentors — to create greater possibilities for those whose talents are often under-represented in formal leadership roles. Through exposure to basic research findings, storytelling and the community built within the virtual learning space, participants will learn about the fundamentals of being good mentors, receiving mentoring and creating a culture of mentoring that supports equity and belonging.
Learning objectives:
- Define and describe the essential qualities of effective mentoring (and sponsoring).
- Explore how mentoring and sponsoring promote inclusive, engaged, and creative organizations.
- Explain how social systems present opportunities and challenges when it comes to mentoring.
- Leverage the relational work of mentoring to influence positive change in your workplace culture.
- Model behaviors of relationally connected leaders who advance equity and belonging in the workplace.
- Assess personal strengths, values, biases, and challenges related to mentoring.
- Discuss best practices for giving and receiving feedback in a mentorship.
- Review the importance of establishing clear expectations around the mentor and mentee relationship.
- Determine opportunities to champion for mentorship programs within your organization.
Overview: Extra Information
Division of Continuing Studies is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®.
Earn Continuing Education Hours
By participating in this class you will earn:
Instructional Hours | 6 |
University of Wisconsin Continuing Education Units | .6 |