Coaching Skills Sharpener Series/Group Mentoring
Upcoming dates (2)
Contact Meghan Wilhelmi at [email protected] or 608-263-2829
Feb. 10, 11 a.m.–1 p.m.; Feb. 24, March 10, March 24, April 7, 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Register through: February 05, 2025
All times shown in central time.
Live online
Learn more about class formats.
Cancellation Policy
You must cancel at least 48 hours prior to first class starting for a full refund, minus a $75 administration service fee. No refunds will be given after two days prior to the start of the class.
This Skills Sharpener Series is a five-part experience hosted over the span of 10 weeks, and is designed to give learners practice and feedback about their coaching skills from a highly experienced and certified PCC-level Mentor Coach. Participants will work in groups of no more than ten to practice the skills and competencies required of a PCC-level, ICF-certified or professionally credentialed coach. Participants will take turns coaching one another and providing feedback per the ICF's Core Competencies and PCC Markers, in a group setting. This series will count toward the completion of the ICF's Group Mentoring requirements for both ACC and PCC levels. Participants who attend will be awarded 8 Continuing Coach Education (CCE) units from the ICF.
Benefits and Outcomes
- Give and receive feedback about the ICF's core competencies and behavioral markers with a small group of peers and a highly experienced Mentor Coach. Those core competencies include things like:
- How to establish a safe and trusting relationship with a coachee.
- How to co-create goals and focus areas for the coaching engagement and sessions.
- How to monitor one's presence as a coach, including learning how to be open, flexible, grounded and confident.
- How to listen actively, tuning into verbal and non-verbal cues.
- How to formulate and ask powerful questions to help stimulate insights in the person being coached.
- How to uphold the highest ethical standards of professional coaching.
- How to build self-awareness and emotional regulation in oneself as a coach.
- How to use reflective inquiry to deepen the coachee's understanding of self and situation.
- How to honor the coachee as a "whole person" who sits within a particular role, system and/or specific cultural context.
- How to respectfully and directly communicate to cultivate awareness in the coachee.
- How to assist the coachee in identifying and removing potential barriers to growth and transformation.
- How to assist the coachee in identifying and bolstering potential supports of growth and transformation.
- How to partner with a coachee to achieve the coachee's desired outcomes and transformations.
- Focus on developmental areas where each learner has an opportunity to thrive and grow as a professional coach — a highly customized experience for each student.
- Expand one's professional coaching network with others dedicated to mastering the skills of the profession.
Learning Objectives
Learners in this course will be able to:
- Understand the differences between an ACC and PCC-level coaching conversation.
- Recognize and apply PCC-level behavioral skills to their coaching.
- Improve their skills around all eight (8) of ICF's core competencies.
- Self-evaluate their own coaching skill for future improvement and performance.
Learner Level
Beginner to Intermediate.
Who Should Attend:
Professional coaches who want to sharpen their skill set in a safe, fun, and feedback-rich environment.
ICF-certified coaches who seek Mentoring hours toward their ACC or PCC application or renewal.
Earn Continuing Education Hours
By participating in this class you will earn:
Instructional Hours | 8 |
University of Wisconsin Continuing Education Units | .8 |
Coaching Skills Sharpener Series/Group Mentoring
Course #: 2811-C-PDAS-2814-25-COAC
Fee: $595 For registration assistance: 608-262-2451
Feb. 10, 11 a.m.–1 p.m.; Feb. 24, March 10, March 24, April 7, 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Register through: February 05, 2025
All times shown in central time.
Subject Area:
Cancellation Policy
You must cancel at least 48 hours prior to first class starting for a full refund, minus a $75 administration service fee. No refunds will be given after two days prior to the start of the class.
Coaching Skills Sharpener Series/Group Mentoring
Course #: 2811-C-PDAS-2813-26-COAC
Fee: $595 For registration assistance: 608-262-2451
Oct. 6, 11 a.m.–1 p.m.; Oct. 20, Nov. 3, Nov. 17, Dec. 1, 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Register through: October 01, 2025
All times shown in central time.
Subject Area:
Cancellation Policy
You must cancel at least 48 hours prior to first class starting for a full refund, minus a $75 administration service fee. No refunds will be given after two days prior to the start of the class.