Lifelong Learner column – Noncredit


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Lifelong Learner column

Cartoon characters climbing blocks and ladders in front of red arrow going up Boost your career with professional degrees and certificates

In today’s fast-paced and competitive job market, staying relevant is key to career growth. Whether you’re looking to move up in your current field, shift…

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Amanda Sauri kneels next to her young son against a light brown backdrop Finding college success in recovery

Amanda Sauri and her son September is National Recovery Month , a time to recognize the recovery community and the importance of evidence-based treatment for…

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You can learn a language online — here’s how!

Study a language online with UW–Madison Continuing Studies language programs. We promise it will be exactly the same as in-person learning, only completely different.

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9 online classes to help you keep on learning in 2021

UW–Madison Continuing Education classes can help you keep on learning online from the safety of home.

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