adult learners – Noncredit


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adult learners

Woman talking to counselor, illustration Motivational Interviewing courses help professionals deepen connections, inspire change 

“If you can put the work in, it will improve every relationship in your life.”                                      — Danalyn Harper Rayner, family medicine physician, UW…

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Amanda Sauri kneels next to her young son against a light brown backdrop Finding college success in recovery

Amanda Sauri and her son September is National Recovery Month , a time to recognize the recovery community and the importance of evidence-based treatment for…

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A closeup of two peoples hands. One is speaking and taking notes. Unraveling the power of professional coaching

The University of Wisconsin–Madison Certified Professional Coaching Program (UWCPC) helps learners uncover the power of professional coaching in a variety of settings and careers.

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You can learn a language online — here’s how!

Study a language online with UW–Madison Continuing Studies language programs. We promise it will be exactly the same as in-person learning, only completely different.

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9 online classes to help you keep on learning in 2021

UW–Madison Continuing Education classes can help you keep on learning online from the safety of home.

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