
Come and enjoy the work of local artists

Want to enjoy some art from Madison-area artists? Then be sure to visit our new Continuing Studies Art Gallery located on the sev­enth floor at 21 N. Park St.

We estab­lished this gallery to pro­vide a resource for artists to dis­play their art in a pub­lic edu­ca­tion envi­ron­ment. Fea­tured artists are faculty and staff and their fam­ily mem­bers, stu­dents, adjunct instruc­tors, and other friends of Con­tin­u­ing Studies.

There are three exhibit areas: one on each end of the main hall­way, and the Dean’s con­fer­ence room. Art is dis­played for a two-month period. Exhibits are cur­rently sched­uled through March, 2013; you can find the sched­ule here.

Work by these artists can be viewed from now through the end of May:

Jan Crow­ley, Elkhorn, Wis.
“The human face and form has always cap­ti­vated and chal­lenged me. I have been draw­ing peo­ple since I was 15. I am self taught, and have appre­ci­ated the UW-Madison Con­tin­u­ing Stud­ies pro­grams as a means to help me grow and become an artist. I believe that a pic­ture really is worth 1,000 words, and that visual images tell pow­er­ful sto­ries.

“The images rep­re­sented here are from a body of work I have been work­ing on for sev­eral years titled ‘Unto the Least of These—a visual story of the for­got­ten peo­ple of Roma­nia.’ Each image rep­re­sents a per­son my hus­band and I met when we trav­eled to Roma­nia as short-term missionaries.”

Bruce Mof­fat, Madi­son, Wis.
“I am a non­profit man­age­ment con­sul­tant by trade, occa­sional pho­tog­ra­pher in my so-called free time.…Call me anachro­nis­tic, but I am unabashedly one of those dyed-in-the-wool black-and-white pho­tog­ra­phy lovers. To me the true essence of both the art and craft that is pho­tog­ra­phy is the shades of gray, the con­trast of light and shadow, the range of tonal­i­ties.

“Since arriv­ing in Madi­son, my con­nec­tion to Con­tin­u­ing Stud­ies is mul­ti­fac­eted: I’ve been an instruc­tor, a stu­dent, a col­league, and a brief attendee of the job search sup­port group. This is cer­tainly a trib­ute to the way one UW depart­ment can serve the com­mu­nity in a vari­ety of ways.”

In Sep­tem­ber Con­tin­u­ing Stud­ies will send out another call for artists who would like a spot on the exhibit sched­ule. You can find more details here.